Mission Statement

Meet our Office Manager (Retired) – Connie


As a licensed optician, Connie was certified by the American Board of Opticianry for over 30 years. Before she joined Community Eye Center in 1997, she began her work experience in a nearby office for Dr. Benjamin Glaser until his retirement. Her day-to-day operations primarily included managing accounts, invoicing statements, billing insurance claims, and various other electronic tasks.

Meet our Optician – Gloria


Gloria has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to help you with practically any service or product we offer. Whether you call to schedule an appointment, order contact lenses, or select a new frame, her goal is to deliver a memorable experience to each patient, every time. She oversees the inventory so she stays on top of the latest fashion trends to ensure we stock optical frames styles fit for every patient’s individual needs. Be sure to ask her how your prescription lenses can be manufactured thinner, darker, lightweight, reflection-free and stylish.

Meet our Receptionist – Nina


Nina is extremely proficient and always has many resources at the front desk to streamline your health insurance and vision plan needs. She patiently helps patients with scheduling new appointments and can answer telephone calls in English or Spanish to offer bilingual assistance. Nina enjoys working with people and her smile will always make you feel welcome in our office.

Meet our Office Assistant – Axel

Axel is a multi-talented and helpful worker who maintains our health records, helps patients with scheduling new appointments, and verifies our laboratory orders. He began his energetic and friendly role in 2021 and can answer telephone calls in English, Spanish or French to offer assistance in multiple languages. He also enjoys working with people of all ages to replace or repair their eyeglasses and/or frames as quickly as possible.

Honors and Affiliations

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