There are certain factors that affect the health of your eyes. Luckily, you can help your eyesight by providing them the nutrients they need.

Here at Community Eye Center Optometry, we love showing our patients nutritious things they can eat to help their eyes. Keep reading for some of our favorites.

There are many vitamins that benefit your eyes. Some of these include vitamin A, C, D, and E. Vitamin A protects against blindness while vitamin B protects against cataracts. You need vitamin D to protect against macular degeneration and vitamin E to prevent advanced AMD.

Minerals can also benefit your eyes. Zinc is fantastic too. Zinc, like vitamin A, helps to reduce blindness. You have probably heard people say that eating carrots helps your eyesight. It is really true!

Lucky for you, there are many healthful foods filled with these vitamins and minerals. You need to make sure that you are eating some of the following foods: salmon, beef, eggs, liver, strawberries, broccoli, carrots, almonds, hazelnuts, kale, oranges, and many others.

For more information on foods filled with the nutrients that your eyes need, contact us today at (323) 778-7799.